Back by popular demand is SAF’s riff on the popular TED Talks — this year’s theme: “Beginnings.” Five industry members share inspiring 10-minute stories on how they got their start, launched a big idea or hit refresh to start over.
In 1974, after the birth of his second child, Paul Godbout went to Jacques to buy flowers for his wife, Nancy. Upon learning that the shop was for sale, the Godbouts purchased the business. Since then, the Godbouts have expanded and moved to a 7,000-square-foot building with greenhouses. Their daughter and son, Aimee and Adam, are the next generation owners and Haley, a third-generation granddaughter, works there part-time while attending college.
“We are a service and community-oriented business.” Over the years, the shop has sponsored local youth sports teams, supported fundraisers, given free tours and workshops in-house to school and youth groups, and gone into the community to give free demonstrations to schools, garden and senior groups and libraries. Twice a year, Jacques holds a special day just for kids with free activities and games.
Top 100 FTD Florist and 2016 Society of American Florists Century Award winner, among many other honors.