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    I think we’d all be fools not to heed Professor Hall’s warnings. I would take this a step further and say that Charles Hall’s predictions will be exacerbated by our broken immigration policies and practices. It’s difficult enough that agricultural sectors are challenged by limited access to seasonal farm hands, but this problem exists across the economy — just ask crab fisheries around the Chesapeake, light manufacturers in the North West or construction companies just about anywhere. If an employer can’t find the right workers, it doesn’t matter how many customers or clients you have.

    This administration and Congress seem to have all slept through the lecture in Econ 101 about how “people are the fundamental drivers for any economy and the growth of that economy.” People are both workers and consumers and they need access to affordable housing, good wages, schools for their children, health care, etc.

    Flowers, as Hall points out, are not necessities. We can focus on “small ball” of just those factors in the floral industry. Get them all right and still lose because the overall economy tanks.

    We need to work toward a broad, robust economy, while preparing for challenging times if the overall economy falters.

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