If you haven’t already, now is the time to create and order Petal It Forward logo materials for your October 24 event. The Society of American Florists provides members with a customizable Flower Card Template and T-Shirt Template, as well as a host of other resources and advice at safnow.org/petalitforward.
The 3”x3” Petal It Forward Flower Card template is available as a PDF file or Word document. SAF recommends taking the PDF file to a print shop or copy center and asking them to add your shop’s social media information or use the Word version if printing yourself.
SAF recommends members take the Petal It Forward T-Shirt Template to a T-Shirt printing company. Get Petal It Forward T-Shirts printed in your signature shop color, with #PETALITFORWARD on the front and your shop logo on the back.
SAF provides resources to help member florists Petal It Forward, including planning timelines, tips on where and when to stage a giveaway, talking points, T-shirt and flower card templates and more at safnow.org/petalitforward.