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    How can we tolerate a “Kick The Can” approach that has become the norm with ex-New Deal expanding pyramid schemes of the like to which this article refers. How can any thinking person (especially those with offspring) tolerate the concept of being at ease with a system that institutionally exists by means of bait and switch, “Lock Box” bonding because it has been made solvent, again, this time for seventy five years. That’s about the time my grandchildren will be easing into their social security “entitlements” (provided the age of eligibility isn’t bumped higher in the meantime).

    Actually, the idea of those periodic boosts in the age of “full” eligibility of benefits, is the ONE place that actuarial calculations are(often reluctantly) given the gravitas they deserve when speaking of multi-generational, multi-family systems of benefits that our nation has (with eyes half closed) inexorably drifted towards since the time when FDR used (previously) privately held gold to finance his New Deal. If better attention was paid to actuarial trends calculation (on a routine, regular), our systems would be (I predict) more solvent though less generous.

    Hey, let’s start with putting EVERYONE on Social Security: legislators, union leaders, union members. I think you get the direction.

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