HR Summer Boot Camp, Part I: Hire Smarter
Presenter: Glenna Hecht, Humanistic Consulting
“Does this sound familiar? An employee quits and then you, as the owner or manager, scramble to fill the vacant spot. You post the job, go through interviews, find a good (or good enough) candidate, hire that person and then a few months later, he or she is out the door, too. The same cycle starts again.
What gives?
In this thought-provoking, info-packed session, HR expert Glenna Hecht of Humanistic Consulting will share practical tips on how to break that frustrating cycle, providing insights on how you can hire smarter — and build the kind of team your business deserves.
This session includes 20 minutes of advice and 10 minutes of QA time with Hecht — a popular speaker at SAF’s conventions.”