Employee incentive plans not only help attract and retain motivated workers, but they can also help businesses compete for workers in a tight labor market. The Society of American Florists’ Floral Education Hub, has a collection of resources to help you build the right incentive programs for your business:
- Motivate Your Design Team To Do More In Less Time. Learn about incentivizing your design team with bonus programs to motivate them to be more productive in this article.
- TeamFloral’s Designer Incentive Worksheet. Use this worksheet to create an employee bonus worksheet.
- Incentive Plans That Motivate & Retain Teams. Watch this session from SAF Orlando 2021, presented by Derrick Myers, CPA, PFCI, and Chris Drummond, AAF, PFCI to learn how to structure an incentive program for different positions; how “blended” programs can work for teams that work across multiple departments; and how to avoid typical bonus and incentive program missteps.
Stephanie Brady is the project manager for the Society of American Florists.