The beginning of the school year is a great time to make connections with teachers and students to bring awareness to career opportunities in your business and cultivate a pipeline of workers in your community. Seed Your Future has resources to help.
The resources include:
- Creating a Pipeline of Talent Through Schools: Did you know that you have a wealth of talent in your own backyard — people who are seeking out the kind of creative, satisfying work that can be found in the floral industry? They’re in local high schools, vocational academies and colleges. But more than likely, they know little about the industry. If you know how to reach them, you’ll reap the rewards. View the presentation slides from Seed Your Future’s session at SAF’s 2022 Annual convention to learn how to create a pipeline of talent.
- Green Career Week. Read these articles on how Green Career Week — happening Oct. 2-6 — can help promote career opportunities and floriculture to students in your community. The event asks businesses to speak to high school students about their business and/or use Seed Your Future’s resources to promote green careers on social media. Whether or not you take part in GCW, the resources can help you make connections in the classroom year-round. To access the resources, click here.
Stephanie Brady is the project manager for the Society of American Florists.