Christmas/Hanukkah Floral Statistics


Holiday Ranking

(Based on consumer purchases of fresh flowers and plants for holidays at all outlets.)

(of all holidays)
Dollar Volume
(of all holidays)

Valentine’s Day

  • Valentine’s Day is the number one holiday for florists and for floral purchases, and second to Christmas/Chanukah in dollars spent.
30% 28%
Christmas/Chanukah 26% 29%
Mother’s Day 26% 24%
Easter/Passover 9% 6%
Thanksgiving 8% 8%
Father’s Day 2% 4%

For whom are they buying?

Self 34%
Parents or in-laws 32%
Wife / spouse 29%
Friend / neighbor 26%
Other relative 15%
Girlfriend/ boyfriend / significant other 9%
Grandparent 8%
Daughter / son 8%
Co-worker 7%
Other 6%

What are they buying?

(Multiple responses allowed)

Fresh flowers as home decoration / entertaining, such as centerpieces 54%
Red poinsettia 53%
Fresh flowers as host gift or other gift 50%
Flowering houseplants other than poinsettia 25%
Green houseplant 24%
Other type of flower or plant 21%
None of the above 2%

Poinsettia Colors

The most popular colors:

Red 74%
White 8%
Pink 6%
Mixed 3%

Popular Fresh Flowers

The most popular fresh flowers purchased for Christmas are: mixed flowers, roses, misc. single flowers and carnations.

Data collected by IPSOS Floral Tracking Study, 2016; eNation National On-Line Research, Synovate, 2015;  and the Paul Ecke Ranch, 2010. is hosted by the Society of American Florists, the U.S. floral industry trade association. Click below to find a local SAF member florist to send flowers, roses and gifts for delivery.