Be an Effective Spokesperson

As shop owner, you are the spokesperson for your business and should be regarded in your town as the local flower expert. No matter if you have a lot or very little media experience, these tips will help you better communicate with the press.

  • Before contacting a reporter, visit the outlet’s Web site and review bios to learn more about them. Read local papers, watch the news and listen to the stations you want to target. Know which reporters might be interested in your story before pitching it.
  • Prepare key messages to communicate. Ideal quotes are short (8-10 words), memorable, and pithy and provide factual back-up.
  • Reporters love stories with visual impact — and what could be more visual than flowers? Describe what viewers or readers might see if they cover the story.
  • Emphasize what’s new — such as the research or a local trend. That’s why they call it “news.”
  • For face-to-face or on-camera interviews, dress neatly and professionally just as you would when meeting with a big client.
  • When answering questions, don’t rush. Give yourself time to think about your answer. Be brief in your response — a good rule of thumb is 10-20 seconds per answer.
  • Don’t go off the record. Everything you say can and may be quoted or paraphrased by a reporter.
  • Be positive, and talk about your specialties — quality products and excellent customer service.
  • If a reporter calls you, take the time to help them. By doing so, you establish yourself as a reliable media resource.

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