WebBlast: 5 Steps to Profitable Weddings and Events

As a wedding and event florist, you’re constantly bombarded with opportunities to make more revenue. But if your profits are not growing in tandem with the revenues, then what’s the point?

Find out “5 Steps to Profitable Weddings and Events,” presented by Ryan O’Neil. He has become a go-to wedding resource for florists through The Business of Flowers blog and his program at the 2016 Wedding MBA Conference.

O’Neill owns the award-winning wedding and event floral design boutique Twisted Willow Design in St. Louis with his wife Rachel, and developed StemCounter.com, a floral studio management software designed to help florists save administrative time and book more brides.

In just 30 minutes during this fast-paced educational WebBlast, O’Neill shares advice on how to:

  • Upsell — Help clients allocate all of their floral budget.
  • Sell out — Maximize the number of clients you can take.
  • Side sell — Maintain your brand while taking on small clients.

Click here for the PDF of the slides

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