Use these graphics in your social media, on your website, in e-newsletters – wherever you want to catch consumers’ attention – along with messages about the research on flowers and stress. As an SAF member, you have permission of use of this SAF-owned artwork.

Save a Social Media Graphic by:
1. Right clicking on the image you want. 

2. Select “Save Image As” and save to your desktop or in another file on your computer.
Social Media Graphics are 1080 x 1080 pixels.

The power of flowers.


Use your own custom photographs, or SAF photography to enhance your messages about the positive benefits of flowers in your blogs, newsletters, social media posts, web pages, ads, and more. As an SAF member, you have permission of use of this SAF-owned photography.

Click on each photo to download the image directly from flickr.


Video is also a great way to capture attention, and is a proven, effective marketing tool. Download or share these videos, produced for specific vehicles.

Click on each link to download, or link to, the video for your site.

Website or embedded in an email newsletter

1:12 version – no captions

YouTube | MP4


1:12 version with captions, recommended for social media

YouTube | MP4


40-second version with captions, recommended for social media

MP4 (Larger Original 62MB) | MP4 (15MB)

© Society of American Florists

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