As the past two years have repeatedly proven, you cannot predict or dictate global events. But florists who’ve withstood the pandemic and its ripple effects have succeeded, in part, by focus... Read more
Florists are always looking for ways to increase sales as the solution to their financial problems; however, if underlying processes are not running efficiently, then greater sales may just... Read more
By Anne Holub How often should you change in-store displays and add new merchandise? Once a season? Once a month? That may not be enough to keep customers engaged and interested, according t... Read more
Want to Improve Design Room Efficiency? Talk to your Designers
How many times a day does your designer walk to a water source to fill a vase? How much energy each week is devoted to recovering misplaced supplies? If you don’t know the answer to these qu... Read more
Give stems a good (clean) cut before you start processing them in your store. Though not every florist follows this advice religiously — in many design rooms across the country, it’s become... Read more